Monday 20 September 2010

A note from the Author

Well, I haven't written for a while and I felt that that needed some explanation. As you can see from the piccie, taken on the Saturday 18th, I look well.

This was on the way back from Santiago de Atitlan, a neighbouring town on the lake about 30 minutes ferry from San Pedro. However, I've had a bit of a sickie. Without going into gruesome detail I can tell you that I picked up a parasite called Giardia which causes the runs and fierce belly ache to boot. Soon after this happened I decided a good run was needed to clear my head. It was Independence Day here and the streets were full. So running along I didn't notice the speed bump in the road and stacked it spectacularly. I came out with some impressive war wounds and luckily just a sprained ankle which has been strapped up.

All appears to be subsiding and getting better. This has left an even bigger backlog of blog posts but I am going to get as many up as I can this week. The first set is going to be about San Cristobal; an impressive little town set in the mountains, in Chiapas, southern Mexico.

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